Thursday, December 27, 2012

Tip of the Day: 12/27/12

Image Source: Healthy Palm

Hello, dear readers! Look at that beautiful woman that's washing her hair. How often does she wash it? Today's tip of the day is an oldie but goodie... I'm so awkward. Read on for the deets!

For most of the beauty world inhabitants, here's a reminder! And for you newcomers, here's a tip! You should wash your hair at least every other day, just not every day, morning and night. Here's why:

You need the nutrients in the natural oils that occur in your hair. When you lather shampoo on, it strips away those oils, leading your hair to be more dry, and sometimes causes an even oilier head because of the takeaway. It's just like on your face. If you strip away oil from your face, the skin feels like it needs double, maybe even triple the amount of oil to suffice, and it's just a nasty oil slick in the end. If you've got extreme-o oily hair, try a dry shampoo to keep things fresh. It's not as harsh as hot water and shampoo, which can have pretty bad chemicals in it. Some shampoos have chemicals to make sure that you have bubbles in your hair. That's it!

I hope you all have a nice day, I'm anticipating the new year!

Your teenage beauty addict,


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