Saturday, March 31, 2012

Oily lids? Here's How to Get Rid of Them

Hello readers! Today I'm going to address the problem of oily lids and creasing eyeshadow. Yucky stuff, I know. I am a victim of oily lids, and I've always despised how my eyeshadow looked creased and how my eyeliner, no matter what brand, spread into raccoon eyes. Raccoon eyes= a no-no. So, I have found a solution for all of those that suffer from oilylid-itis.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Maybelline Colossal Volum' Express Mascara Review

So, my first makeup review of the blog, the world, here we go then. This mascara is an interesting one.

  •  It volumizes a lottttt
  • It makes your lashes look fuller because it has such a big wand
  • It has a big wand. <3
  • It gives the illusion of bigger lashes, not long ones.

  • If you don't apply it right, it can make your eyelashes look spidery and clumpy.
  • I got it, and it kind of smelled. It's most likely the smell of the collagen in it, but I tossed it after 2 weeks.
  • If you get the non waterproof kind, it's REALLY non waterproof. It will run like heck.
  • I've heard that it flakes on some people. It didn't happen to me, but it might to you. O_O
The formula is a wee bit runny, so apply a lot if you end up buying this product. For me, the cons outweighed the pros. A lot of people like this, but it's not for me. It's not the worse I've come by, but it's an iffy one. It definitely volumizes a lot. Yes indeed, that it does. It easily can create a dramatic look without false lashes, and with, but I prefer Maybelline Falsies over this one. But that is a story for another time folks. It's time to go beddybye. Have a good one, internet readers.

~Mai, your rambling beauty lover

Nail Design of the Month: March

Spring is here, readers, and tribal is back in! Let me hear a woot woot from the boho girls out there. WOOT WOOT! Well, I was searching the Internet, and I found that the trend had evolved onto nails. Cool, right?

So, I thought I'd try it out myself. This is about a week after I did my nails, sorry about the horrible quality of the picture guys. I also did it with a toothpick, such crudeness on my part. But hey, it works. Maybe if I have time, I'll post a tutorial of my next month's design. I'll see what I choose to do. I'm open for suggestions, so feel free to comment!

~Mai, your rambling beauty lover



My name is Mai. I will be sharing with you my addiction to beauty products, fashion, and everything beautous that you can put on, or do with, your body. Except the plastic surgery nastiness. I'm kind of wacky, so make sure to watch out. I review everything I can get my hands on, scrutinize the latest trends. And I'm addicted to the world of beauty.

~Mai, your rambling beauty lover

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