Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bronze Eye Tutorial

Excuse the flyaway hair..

Hello, lovelies. I realize we are hitting the smack middle of summer and weather has been crazy, but whenever I wear this look, it makes me feel... I don't know, really warm. It's weird. It's probably just me. Anyway, you don't want to listen to my lame intros or rambling, let's just get to the tutorial.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Buns and Braids: A Tutorial

Hello, lovelies. Do you ever get tired of a messy bun or a ponytail sitting on top of your head to get the slaving summer heat off the back of your neck? I do. So I did one more step to an easy hairstyle to spice it up a bit. Take a look after the jump.

Monday, July 16, 2012

5 Reasons Why You Should Love Drugstore Makeup

Lovlies! Hello! Are you having a good summer? I sure hope you are. Even if it isn't summer when you read this, I hope your day is going wonderful, and if it isn't, I'm really sorry, I wish I could help.

Today I'll be talking about the 5 reasons why drugstore makeup is so FREAKING awesome! Sure, it can be bad quality sometimes, but come on. You got what you paid for. And sometimes there can be those small gems that just light up your world. -cue magical rainbow-


1. It's so dang cheap, who cares if it doesn't work! Dang, you can get eyeliner for $1, does it matter if it was scratchy and unpigmented and horrible and...

2. When you find that Holy Grail product for $5, doesn't it just make you so warm and tingly inside? It makes all drugstore makeup just WORTH it.

3. You can get it while you shop for your bread and vegetables (Eat them. They're very good for you.).

4. Most drugstore makeup products are made by the same manufacturers and factories as high-end brands. Proof: I have a friend who works in the cosmetic industry.

5. If you don't like the product, then you can usually return it to the store, unlike most department store cosmetic counters.

So, if you're opting to get a lot of makeup for not as much money, say you're just starting out as a teenager or are on an emergency run to the store, drugstore makeup isn't all as bad as it looks. Even for those people cough snobs cough who think they're too good for it. ;)

Thank you for reading, I appreciate everyone of you guys!

Your rambling beauty addict,


Monday, July 9, 2012

Mascara Monday: Maybelline Volum' Express Falsies Review (plus pictures)

Hi, I know I've kind of been neglecting you. I've been recovering from all the Fourth of July madness and have 3 reviews set up for you guys. I'll get right to the review here...

So, today I'm going to be talking about another one of the Volum' Express series mascaras from Maybelline. Would it really hurt to add that last "e" to Volum'? Goodness.

Anyway, look at the pretty pictures, I'll have more to say in a bit:

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