Friday, September 21, 2012

Tip of the Day: 9/21/2012

Do you ever have that moment when you find an eyelash on your face, on your finger, or ON YOUR EYELASH CURLER? Basically, anywhere else besides your lashline? Well, if you haven't, I totally have.

I will help you prevent this! Da da da DAAAA. Mai to the rescue! Because I think I know what you're doing wrong. Here's the tip of the day:
Don't curl your eyelashes after you've put on mascara, especially if it's still wet. Don't do it! EVER! Seriously, your lashes can break off and stick onto the curler. Ew. Please don't. Instead, curl your windshield wipers before you apply mascara. If it's a good mascara, then your lashes won't be weighed down.

Thanks for reading, I love you all!

Your rambling beauty addict,



I'm painting my nails for the Day 2 of the 31 Day Challenge right now! Update on that soon!

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