Saturday, March 31, 2012

Oily lids? Here's How to Get Rid of Them

Hello readers! Today I'm going to address the problem of oily lids and creasing eyeshadow. Yucky stuff, I know. I am a victim of oily lids, and I've always despised how my eyeshadow looked creased and how my eyeliner, no matter what brand, spread into raccoon eyes. Raccoon eyes= a no-no. So, I have found a solution for all of those that suffer from oilylid-itis.

First thing's first, primer.

What is primer? I'm sure you all have heard of foundation primer, but if you don't, here's a little explanation. Primer is a base that you will want to put on before any of your makeup, so that it lasts, and stays in place for as long as possible. Primers are sometimes colored to blend into your skin tone better, or in the cases of green primer, to counteract redness of acne, or pimples. It pretty much makes a smooth canvas for you to work your painting magic on.

Do you need to buy, specifically, eyeshadow primer? Um, no. I have, but I've seen that foundation works just as well. Personally, I think if you just use a dab of foundation on both lids, rub it in, then voila, a makeshift primer that doesn't cost $16 more dollars. Two of my favorite primers, if you really want to spend a little more, are the Urban Decay Eyeshadow Potion ($19) and Two Faced Shadow Insurance ($18).
Buy Two Faced Shadow Insurance 
Buy Urban Decay Eyeshadow Potion

How do you apply primer? Plain and simple, you put a little bit on your eyelid and smear it up and around your brow bone. Make sure you get all over, including as tight as you can to your lash line. You want even application everywhere, so your eyeshadow and eyeliner stay on and apply smoothly. After it's on and all is good, wait for a minute or two and let it set. Then apply eyeshadow normally as you would.

Now if this isn't enough, lightly brush a very thin layer of powder on your eyelid to soak up the oil before you apply the primer. I recommend Physician's Formula Mineral Wear Loose Powder, which is only around $8.

Physicians Formula Mineral Wear Loose Powder in Buff Beige
That's all folks! Thanks for listening to me, I'll see you next time.

~Mai, your rambling beauty lover

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